
See campus map and Wright Lab site for travel information.
The conference room is outfitted with a large, high resolution TV monitor, projector and whiteboard. You can use your own laptop and we can provide the necessary adaptor for an HDMI connection. If there is something else you need for the presentation, please let us know in advance.
We expect 30-40 students/postdocs to be in attendence, mostly from physics and applied physics. Students from astronomy, chemistry, engineer, and geology & geophysics are also welcome to our events. It should be noted that we have a large international (non-U.S. citizen) population, who may not be eligible for work at your specific company, but nonetheless are still interested to hear about your career path and job function.
Typically, 1 hour is allocated for the presentation and immediate questions. Most speakers prepare a slide presentation, but feel free to create your own media. After the talk, an informal Q&A lunch is served for all the attendees.
Feel free to speak about whatever you wish, as long as it focuses on topics within professional development in physics. Some ideas to help guide you presentation are:
- How did you decide to transition from academia to your current field?
- What is your field/industry and your job function?
- How do the skills you learned in your PhD/postdoc extend to your current work?
- How did your PhD help prepare you for this role?
- How did your PhD not help prepare you for this role?
- Do you have advice on how those interested in your field can prepare?
- Is it possible for people with various scientific backgrounds to transition to your industry?
We certainly welcome any recruitment advertisements, materials, etc.